プレイヤー名 | beatoraja |
LR2ID | 138876 |
段位認定 | ★03 / - |
自己紹介 | keyboard player 10/14/19 - normal 10dan 10/30/19 - 1dan 04/22/20 - 2dan 08/13/20 - hiatus 11/21/20 - return 01/03/21 - 3dan ??/??/22 - beatoraja BM - http://www.dream-pro.info/~lavalse/LR2IR/search.cgi?mode=mypage&playerid=108487 $authcode$2a$10$Xq6nmAdVrnr/wDDdRuowa.5noa1M/2H3AT86klZF9KSHwXJL1HwCu$authcode |
ホームページ | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5IVgTwx5rTNUnmoP5mtNyg |
プレイした曲数 | 1423 |
プレイした回数 | 9165 |
ライバル | bread +ω+ Doctard yukolover 115197 Zola♪♪♪ |
10 | 517 | 51 | 298 | 547 |
タイトル | クリア | プレイ回数 | ランキング | |
1 | stairway to the universe [A] | HARD CLEAR | 153 | 594/1856 |
2 | colorbar [Hi] | HARD CLEAR | 116 | 602/1824 |
3 | ice valley "beyond the searoad" [EXTRA] | FULL COMBO | 100 | 329/1450 |
4 | じゃぱりぱー | HARD CLEAR | 94 | 777/1896 |
5 | far in the blue sky... [rather] | HARD CLEAR | 87 | 758/1556 |
6 | the lost dedicated (extra) | HARD CLEAR | 74 | 1054/2457 |
7 | the lost dedicated (another) | HARD CLEAR | 72 | 1095/4229 |
8 | lataia [Maniac7] | HARD CLEAR | 72 | 314/1191 |
9 | 雪花 | HARD CLEAR | 70 | 640/2176 |
10 | Chit-Chat [7Key Another] | HARD CLEAR | 70 | 775/1854 |
タイトル | クリア | プレイ回数 | ランキング | |
1 | Sleeping Terror - Another | HARD CLEAR | 35 | 179/298 |
2 | Sleeping Terror - Hyper | HARD CLEAR | 15 | 53/337 |
3 | (stray) [ANOTHER] | CLEAR | 2 | 27/31 |
4 | sea flying [ANOTHER] | CLEAR | 3 | 15/30 |
5 | Ceeker Gate [Another] | FAILED | 1 | 198/266 |
6 | antilife -EX- | EASY CLEAR | 29 | 972/1385 |
7 | 日溜りの街−あ!− (乱打MAX) | FAILED | 14 | 2569/2962 |
8 | M31-BMS EDIT-ARIENAIther | FAILED | 3 | 892/1142 |
9 | ピアノ連弾的「You」〜ひぐらしのなく頃に〜 [ANOTHER] | HARD CLEAR | 2 | 2071/2842 |
10 | Air -★Beginner- | HARD CLEAR | 44 | 1514/3924 |
タイトル | クリア | プレイ回数 | ランキング | |
1 | GENOSIDE 2018 段位認定 発狂三段 | CLEAR | 56 | 2314/4030 |
2 | Satellite Skill Analyzer 2nd sl4 | FAILED | 16 | 72/194 |
3 | GENOSIDE 2018 段位認定 発狂四段 | FAILED | 4 | 3324/4284 |
4 | GENOSIDE 2018 段位認定 発狂二段 | CLEAR | 42 | 2857/4247 |
5 | GENOSIDE 2018 段位認定 発狂初段 | CLEAR | 19 | 3499/5430 |
6 | 段位認定 発狂三段 | FAILED | 5 | 7457/8686 |
7 | Satellite Skill Analyzer sl4 | FAILED | 8 | 146/197 |
8 | Satellite Skill Analyzer sl3 | CLEAR | 5 | 115/188 |
9 | Satellite Skill Analyzer sl2 | FAILED | 1 | 127/204 |
10 | 段位認定 発狂二段 | FAILED | 5 | 9080/10109 |
beatoraja:thank u china.....i now see thru doc eyes.... [2021-02-15 16:15:08] |
yukolover:3DONG [2021-01-16 17:34:57] |
beatoraja:kk, i'll try catching up [2020-05-27 20:35:28] |
+ω+:i dunno man i started making an attempt to derust 7k, probably not gonna get anywhere [2020-05-26 04:32:00] |
beatoraja:tytytytytytytytytytytyty whens five = 6dan?? [2020-05-19 06:13:49] |
+ω+:nice 2d god king emperor rezbit cho go su [2020-05-11 00:28:48] |
beatoraja:fuck dont screenshot this [2020-04-11 13:04:54] |
beatoraja:freq-2 EC 104BP gonna take some grinding but I'll get it [2020-02-28 13:58:29] |
+ω+:try focus on the chords and autopilot the repeating columns, it's like the 2nd half of /watch?v=LujaQBTBpKU but more chordstream than braindead chords [2020-02-28 10:03:03] |
beatoraja:this shit is fuckin hard [2020-02-14 15:41:56] |
+ω+:hc her majesty 7 [2020-02-14 11:56:29] |
beatoraja:2dan in 2months screenshot this [2020-02-09 18:17:15] |
+ω+:fuck 1dan replay get 2dan [2020-02-07 12:35:28] |
beatoraja:kb = instant miracle skillboost ,'~^} [2020-01-31 01:19:54] |
+ω+:wtf kb [2020-01-30 11:44:18] |