プレイヤー名 | playmania |
LR2ID | 104104 |
段位認定 | - / - |
自己紹介 | 15 VI 2016: (former)SP ☆05 24 VII 2016: (former)SP ☆06 25 VII 2016: (former)DP ☆01 01 VIII 2016: IR broke T_T 02 I 2017: took a break to play o2jam and osumania, was (former)SP ☆10 by that point ?? ?? 2017: quit all rhythm games because wrist pain 17 VII 2020: Tried coming back to BMS. It didn't go well. First I tried Beatoraja, but it throws "illegal BMS" error before I even add any file. Apparently I'm not the first with this problem. The developers say they can't fix it unless someone ships them a computer with this issue, which is ridiculous. (https://github.com/exch-bms2/beatoraja/issues/487) BTW these are the people behind "the future of BMS" a.k.a. bmson a.k.a. "bms:MUH WEBDEVS json spaghetti edition". Then I tried Qwilight the installer just crashed regardless of various compatibility options. Friend told me it's because I use Japanese locale (I want it for games because I'm learning Japanese). The developer is Korean, so such lockout would make sense unfortunately. I don't want to switch every time, so that option's also out. Back to the good old LR2 it is then. It took a while to find because the original site is dead, but I got the download eventually. Now that I had a working(with out-of-memory crashes, but it's LR2, it just does that) player, it was time to get songs. Since this is BMS, my options were to either download song-by-song, or in a gigantic pack. I chose the second option, and picked GENOSIDE 2018 Starter Pack because I wanted to see which dan I am right now. Six gigabytes and half an hour passed(internet upgrade helped, I remember waiting for several hours back in the day). Unfortunately some files got corrupted. I couldn't extract everything, but I got what I could out and it the folder. I had detection issues at first, but re-adding the folder fixed it. I moved on to warm up with some easier stuff before tackling dans. But the charts just felt so clunky. So many uncomfortable patterns. I thought "how did it get this rating?" And then I realized why. BMS is controller-centric. I didn't notice this earlier because it was my first VSRG. I didn't have a comparison. After I moved to o2jam and osu!mania, I never felt like coming back, and now I know why. A chart intended for a keyboard will flow a lot nicer when played on a keyboard. If you play on keyboard, honestly don't bother with BMS. Even if you're willing to buy or make a controller, I'm not sure the mountain of shit to go through is worth it. Nowadays a lot of charts, even some DP, are available converted to mania. Hell, 10K is more active in mania than in BMS where it originates. If you decide to go to mania, either play offline or hide your rank with skin(make "F3/Options" button wider I think?). This should help you stay away from the retarded pp system and mashing 4K DT and ruining your hands like I did. |
プレイした曲数 | 498 |
プレイした回数 | 1280 |
ライバル |
26(★2) | 64 | 211 | 1 | 196 |
タイトル | クリア | プレイ回数 | ランキング | |
1 | NANI-KORE [7keys Normal] | HARD CLEAR | 30 | 92/360 |
2 | Wu Dao Hongye [NORMAL] | CLEAR | 26 | 1272/5322 |
3 | DRAGONLADY (HARD) | HARD CLEAR | 22 | 1224/3720 |
4 | NO NIGHT MORE SOUL! [5KEY] | HARD CLEAR | 20 | 25/128 |
5 | Angelic layer [5key] | FULL COMBO | 16 | 153/1641 |
6 | Poppin' Shower | FAILED | 15 | 5837/12683 |
7 | BABYLON [5key] | HARD CLEAR | 14 | 309/1005 |
8 | Cross Galaxy | FAILED | 14 | 2428/7872 |
9 | モリオンの姫 [HYPER] | CLEAR | 13 | 5306/10775 |
10 | Artificial Sacrifice -BMS edit- NORMAL | HARD CLEAR | 13 | 263/687 |
タイトル | クリア | プレイ回数 | ランキング | |
1 | Cloud Tracer (5 hard) | FAILED | 3 | 26/62 |
2 | [LN]Bloodic Decision [5 Hard] | CLEAR | 2 | 8/16 |
3 | Superstring Theory (5k Another) | CLEAR | 6 | 25/51 |
4 | [LN]SUBJECT [Progress 66%] | CLEAR | 3 | 6/11 |
5 | Voyage 2010 [5keys Maximum] | HARD CLEAR | 7 | 27/49 |
6 | 憎しみはあの空の彼方に | HARD CLEAR | 5 | 31/62 |
7 | NO NIGHT MORE SOUL! [5KEY] | HARD CLEAR | 20 | 25/128 |
8 | Red End Dream [5key_standard] | HARD CLEAR | 8 | 19/46 |
9 | ねぇ?メイドさんはみんな忠実だと思う? [5KEY] | FULL COMBO | 9 | 42/1176 |
10 | Angelic layer [5key] | FULL COMBO | 16 | 153/1641 |
タイトル | クリア | プレイ回数 | ランキング | |
1 | DP段位認定(仮) 初段 | CLEAR | 6 | 200/356 |
2 | 段位認定 六段 | CLEAR | 6 | 2775/7376 |
3 | 段位認定 五段 | CLEAR | 9 | 1152/5826 |
4 | 段位認定 四段 | CLEAR | 4 | 1127/4863 |
5 | 段位認定 三段 | CLEAR | 2 | 1544/4223 |
6 | 段位認定 二段 | CLEAR | 2 | 727/3668 |
7 | 段位認定 初段 | CLEAR | 2 | 1404/4521 |
8 | 段位認定 七段 | FAILED | 1 | 4907/8227 |