LR2ID パスワード


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1 Mario Paint (Time Regression Mix for BMS) [NORMAL] HARD CLEAR 15 185/1381
2 雪月夜鐘 -another- FAILED 8 1431/3410
3 ice valley "beyond the searoad" HARD CLEAR 7 190/1056
4 雪月夜鐘 HARD CLEAR 5 523/2246
5 FREEDOM DiVE [LIGHT 7] HARD CLEAR 4 1725/13478
6 月陽炎 [SP HYPER] CLEAR 3 70/144
7 Alice or Junk CLEAR 3 128/420
8 aura [Hyper] FAILED 2 191/1214
9 クインティ アーティストステージBGM (Pop Step.Remix) FAILED 2 68/111
10 "Alice in Wonderland" : crazy apple could not live in real life [7 NORMAL] CLEAR 2 63/546
11 四季「春」 EASY CLEAR 2 160/219
12 夏恋可憐 [Normal] CLEAR 2 124/313
13 Again, Antartic Adventure FAILED 2 92/238
14 Active Wind (remix) EASY CLEAR 2 96/398
15 青空ストリングス [HYPER] CLEAR 2 112/332
16 畢生世界のランデヴー [NORMAL] CLEAR 2 141/401
17 平衡世界 Parallel World CLEAR 2 452/1977
18 Angelic Snow (HYPER) CLEAR 2 860/6219
19 AutumnBreeze Normal7 (BGA) FAILED 2 1292/5533
20 Act Beloved [SP HYPER] CLEAR 2 1740/7723
21 コスモワンダラー FAILED 2 1161/7021
22 天上のポリスルイン [Hyper] FAILED 2 1461/7100
23 風の塔 [7KEYS DRUMFAN] FAILED 1 1030/3780
24 臨終 [7 Hyper] FAILED 1 303/945
25 L9 EASY CLEAR 1 34/128
26 Dancing of the spirit (NORMAL) EASY CLEAR 1 43/85
27 L.D. (Rock Arrange Ver.) EASY CLEAR 1 41/196
28 Disconnected Hardkore(CanBlaster Remix) [NORMAL] EASY CLEAR 1 37/229
29 Lamellibrachia -another- EASY CLEAR 1 96/151
30 Fortress of Nemesis (7keys NORMAL) EASY CLEAR 1 10/25
31 うーさーのその日暮らしのOP(にゅーすたアレンジ) FAILED 1 75/119
32 LIQUID RAIN (11 ReMIX) FAILED 1 21/39
33 kamuy yukar FAILED 1 57/82
34 The island of albatross -8bit Style RMX- [HYPER] EASY CLEAR 1 106/177
35 2038 CLEAR 1 442/5765
36 弥終 (ANOTHER MIX) FAILED 1 179/480
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