LR2ID パスワード


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1 Lapis [Another] EASY CLEAR 16 4149/13555
2 桜華月 [7key Another] FAILED 15 1833/5270
3 Digitalic Rain (7key) EASY CLEAR 13 706/1648
4 Lapis [Light] FAILED 8 2364/7078
5 Endless Dream -Another- FAILED 7 211/381
7 Absurd Gaff [Another] FAILED 4 648/14331
8 Lapis EASY CLEAR 4 3338/9704
9 - JUPITER - [ANOTHER] EASY CLEAR 4 1110/3558
10 Quark FAILED 4 3675/16172
11 Air -Light- EASY CLEAR 3 1416/5862
12 桜華月 (A3) FAILED 3 1685/9498
13 Air EASY CLEAR 3 3033/10739
14 AVALON [IIDX] FAILED 3 1737/9834
15 約束 -HappyHyperStarmiX- (MANIAQ) FAILED 3 1140/6251
16 日溜りの街−あ!− (EXTREME) FAILED 2 836/6025
17 Halcyon [ANOTHER] FAILED 2 1228/6093
18 桜華月 [7key Light] EASY CLEAR 2 924/2426
19 Moonscape (SP ANOTHER) FAILED 2 1665/4678
20 Evangelize (Radio Edit) (SP ANOTHER) FAILED 2 2504/8577
21 oceanbird FAILED 2 1574/5908
22 チョウの標本 [Maniac7] FAILED 1 514/5089
23 under the moonlight [7keys Another] FAILED 1 1374/4493
24 Astish Carmine (LIGHT7) EASY CLEAR 1 47/159
25 Endless Dream EASY CLEAR 1 121/278
26 追憶の森 -Voices of the Earth- [7 LongNote] FAILED 1 155/390
27 orion ring -EXTRA- FAILED 1 634/2948
28 Air -Easy- FAILED 1 551/1367
29 Stormy Wing (another) FAILED 1 510/792
30 Xecus -ecstasy- FAILED 1 224/2096
31 orange tea  [7key/Another] FAILED 1 1750/6010
33 HE is an Energizer (7keys) FAILED 1 1315/4962
34 The Panorama [Normal] FAILED 1 1180/3392
35 under the moonlight [7keys Normal] EASY CLEAR 1 810/2593
36 Pure Ruby [閣下] FAILED 1 38/86
37 Cold Breath (Another+) FAILED 1 1660/8686
38 End Time [賢者タイム] FAILED 1 311/3081
39 .357 Magnum [Another] FAILED 1 2451/14984
40 ワマ~Pheonix's Wing~ [7Key Basic] FAILED 1 9/13
41 Inspiration 7 Another FAILED 1 51/95
42 Lunatic Wave [7 Another] FAILED 1 93/247
43 ワマ~Pheonix's Wing~ [7Key Wing] FAILED 1 10/15
44 Presto (Promotion) FAILED 1 21/36
45 B22P [Pattern Q] FAILED 1 27/42
46 I am Ready! [7keys Another] FAILED 1 20/36
47 Galaxy of the love [7keys Hyper] EASY CLEAR 1 12/21
48 Senior Reference(bms edit) [7keys Normal] FAILED 1 8/13
49 AVALON [7KEYS] FAILED 1 2653/8656
50 AVALON [ANOTHER] FAILED 1 1853/6225
51 The Panorama [Another] FAILED 1 1955/6437
52 SEPIA -EX色- FAILED 1 2517/12033
53 それは、遠い夏の日 [7Key] EASY CLEAR 1 449/787
54 Jade Star [Another] EASY CLEAR 1 1719/4758
55 Angelic layer FAILED 1 2142/13545
56 道しるべ -Lunatic- FAILED 1 1830/9673
57 月童 - Awaking!!神奈 [KANNER] FAILED 1 937/5633
58 白の魔法の光 -magiclight7- FAILED 1 705/5066
59 FREEDOM DiVE [EARTH] FAILED 1 1991/13903
60 Xecus - X - FAILED 1 1114/6926
61 Air -GOD- FAILED 1 1505/10262
62 Silent Sky (another) FAILED 1 470/987
63 - JUPITER - [7KEYS] EASY CLEAR 1 778/2005
64 桜華月 ウルトラセブン FAILED 1 2834/13154
65 Cold Breath (Another++) FAILED 1 837/4788
66 斧と盾 [7key_hard] FAILED 1 2356/11801
67 5.1.1(ReMix) [Afother] FAILED 1 1751/9946
68 夢人形-marionette dreamer-7key EASY CLEAR 1 617/2068
69 Ancient Memory (Phantasm) FAILED 1 826/5423
70 175bpm FAILED 1 484/2730
71 %E3%83%96%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF%E3%83%B3 〜Falling in "B" mix〜 (EXPERT) FAILED 1 451/2829
72 Endless Dream -Another- FAILED 1 771/1559
73 I'll forget you, you'll never forget me. [7key,Another] FAILED 1 1265/3503
74 ametsuchi FAILED 1 1266/4262
75 追憶の森 -Voices of the Earth- [Light7] EASY CLEAR 1 223/596
76 G.N. [DP ANOTHER] FAILED 1 86/187
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